I was looking for a part time job my freshman year in college, and running the computer lab seemed like a pretty good prospect. All the guy did was sit at a desk and roam the internet. If someone had a problem with their computer, he would just jiggle the mouse and tell them to restart it.
I paced around the guy’s desk as I talked to him about the job. Often when I am engaged in conversation or thinking about something my appendages go on autopilot. The lab clattered with the typing of keys and the clicking of mice as the 60-plus students inside worked busily on papers an projects. As the guy checked something on his computer, my eyes—and hands—wandered to a large switch behind his desk. It looked like a light switch, only larger and illuminated in red.
“Where are you going?” the guy asked, bewildered and yet unaware of the J.Clark-induced blackout. “Don’t you want to talk about the job?”
Switches are for switching indeed. If only I could switch off my wandering hands.