Jun 17, 2008

Names for Things

I name things, quite frequently. Stuff I use regularly. Mostly cars and electronic devices. My first car was named Smashy, because that’s what the back bumper looked like after I got rear ended my third day driving it. Lindsay’s car is named Shrinky. (It’s a Suzuki Esteem. Psychologists help people gain self-esteem. Psychologists are also called shrinks. A bit of a stretch, but a very cute name.)

I have also named all my iPods. The firstborn was Kilroy (Kilroy seems to be my default for just about everything – I named a robot in a radio drama I once made Kilroy, and it is also my rap misnomer). He went missing, but in my heart of hearts, I still have an idle hope that we might find him. Following suit, I named my second iPod Kilretta, because she was a feminine electric blue. After she was smashed to bits in the prime of her life by a speeding line of 18-wheelers I adopted Kilbot, who still remains with me even though he is now mute. My current iPod is named Bowen.

My first computer was named Kompyuter, with an exclamation point at the end. There is an involved and uninteresting story why that I won’t go into. I called my second computer Wardin, and my third and current computer remains nameless. I also have a laptop named Slappy. This is because I name my computers posthumously, so I can clearly label the back up discs of information I’ve taken from them before they go to the place where good computers are eternally blessed.

Don’t act like it’s weird. You know you name stuff too.

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