Jun 19, 2008

Laps, Their Tops, and You

Have you ever seen someone actually put a laptop on his or her lap? Very uncommon. It’s a bit of a misleading name, really. Laptops are mostly utilized on coffee tables, balanced on the knee of a crossed leg, or infiltrating enemy lines onto the top of an actual desk, which I’m sure infuriates the desktop computers. The thing that surely infuriates them more is the use of docking stations, which invite laptops to use the monitor, printer, and other peripherals desktops used to have a monopoly on. Not good for the desktop computers. Not good at all.

Issues like this are probably why people have tried to assign the term “notebook” to laptops, even though they are neither books and have little to do with notes. This is mostly likely underground guerilla work from the disgruntled desktop computers, determined to defend their already shrinking territory on the tops of desks. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was instigated by the same people that are trying to call desktop computers “towers,” an altogether more commanding and respectable term than the weak and somewhat ambiguous “desktop.”

Strange how these things often pass by our minds unnoticed, isn’t it?

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